12 Weird Things We SECRETLY Do As Dog Owners

10. Let your dog sleep in bed with you.

Oh come on, everyone does it!

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11. Have conversations with your canine.

Others may not understand it, but your dog definitely talks back–in her own way.

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12. Make up excuses to bail on plans  just to hang out with your dog. 

Hmmm…get all dressed up and spend too much money or stay home in my PJ’s with a glass of wine and my furry best friend? We’ll take the latter!

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91 thoughts on “12 Weird Things We SECRETLY Do As Dog Owners

  1. I don’t think it’s weird that people consider them self a “parent” to a dog we raise them we love them
    We provide for them just like a human baby they’re a baby to many of us so therefor I am a dad

  2. #7 irks me. I love my baby girl (Jack Russell/German Shepard mix) and I wish I could take her everywhere, but we still need to respect those who have allergies to dogs. That is why I get so mad when I see people bring in their dogs to grocery stores and put them in their basket. Your dogs dander could cause someone’s asthma to be aggravated or the dogs dander could get on someone’s food. I’m very allergic to cats and I would lose it if I saw someone bring a cat into a grocery store. Unless the dog is outside of a cart with a service dog vest on it has no place in a place that sells or serves food.

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