1. Come here now!
We often expect our pups to come even when they know there’s no incentive to do so.
2. Jump Around…
Teach your dog that they get lovin’ when all four paws are on the floor, and not before.
3. Playing Fast And Loose With Leash Rules
Don’t allow your dog to strain the leash and drag you from place to place.
4. Potty Time Is NOT Play Time…
Your dog only needs the length of the leash to do their business. Teach your dog that social hour starts after business gets done.
Never use the kennel as a form of punishment!
6. Back Talk
Do not give a dog attention while they’re barking.
7. Giving In To Their Begging…
Those big eyes peering at you from under the table can be pretty hard to ignore. Never feed your dog from the table.
8. Permission To Counter Surf…
Reward your dog for staying out of the kitchen when you are home, and keep the kitchen closed off when you aren’t around to monitor your pup.
9. Play Is Important…
Dogs need an outlet for their energy.
10. Bribery…
Using a lure is okay in the initial stages of training a command, however, there is a fine line between a lure and a bribe, so it’s important to phase out the lure as soon as possible.
11. Chew On This…
Dogs don’t just have a desire to chew, they have a need to chew! Providing your dog with plenty of chew toys is the first step, but unfortunately not the last. Keep anything you don’t want your dog to chew off the floor!
12. Growl About It…
If your dog is growling at something or someone, immediately remove your dog from the situation and DO NOT punish them.