Rottweilers are one of those breeds that have a ‘reputation', and the perception many people have of them isn't even close to the reality.
The Rottweiler is a robust, powerful, and loyal dog with strong protective instincts. They are outstanding companions and protectors.
Because of the Rottweiler’s size, strength, and protectiveness, owning a Rottweiler carries a great deal of responsibility and commitment.
Rottweiler's temperament vary from natural clowns, affectionate to almost everyone, to the very reserved one-man dog. Rottweilers are calm and alert companions.
Rottweilers often follow their masters around the house keeping a constant and sometimes obtrusive watch over their loved ones.
If you are considering to own a rottweiler, or you’ve just become a new rottie owner, there are some realities you do need to fully accept.
Check out the twelve realities new rottweiler owners must accept on the next page! …and if you already are a rottie owner, see if you can relate!
Apoorva Joshi
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Sridhar Srinivasan
Wigdalia Ortiz Valenzuela
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So cute!!!!
Aruna Nataraja
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Sweet baby
Boy Lee
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Bad$#%&!@*pup bear cub right there ROTTWEILERS RULE
Joan Bown
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I’ve always admired them, but never adopted a Rottie – wish I had now!
Tania Williams
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Totally agree with everyone of these. My rotty girl is my heart and I hate it when I go to work and she’s at the gate with her sad puppy eyes.
Collette Pifer Moss
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Nicole Knowles Gneiting
Nicole Knowles Gneiting
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Well it’s good to know but not there yet lol
Scott Tinsley
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Brigitte Lauren
Hendrika Leibbrandt
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Thomas Leibbrandt
Sharon Hiller
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NOTHING but NOTHING us cuter than a rotti puppy.
Kimberley Rowe
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Kristy Amphlett – so true
Nataly Enriquez Escobar
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We are so in love with our sweet Molly. ❤❤❤
Mike Charles
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Sally-Anne Charles
Terri Kaszuba
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This is true. I never had a Rotten before and if I ever get another dog it will be another one. The loyalty alone is incomparable.
Anna Vesey
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Vicky Bain
Vicky Bain
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So true anna they are just so god dam cute cant help it haha
Nel Ooms
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Danny Ooms
Lee Stewart
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Sarha Sarah Daines
Holly Kay
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I’m surprised they didn’t mention their sleeping position or big smiles!! Zeus is also the king of working over mama into 1 more cookie with them puppy dog eyes.
Anya Michalik
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Boguska Michalik
Katlin Hammond
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Erik Hammond how true! It even says something about the crazy eyes lmao
Paul Massey
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Number 1 is out. We’re kennel training
Catherine Chollet
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ohhhh je craque! une petite boulette
Greg Matthews
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Stacie Waggoner Matthews
Stacie Waggoner Matthews
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Celie Dow Tucker
Rj Tolodziecki
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I wholeheartedly agree!!
Nicola Davies
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Shannon Ellen Rombke x x
Kelly Cocklin-Reed
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Cori Reed
Tolga Ak
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Aybars Can Ak
Jane Jenniffer
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Cristho Ben
Ben Spears
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Amanda Spears
Micky Crawford
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Ellise Williams
Amanda Spears
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Omg loved this! So true!
Twan Janssen
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Bianca Schreurs
Tracy Barfield Scudder
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Misty Brast Kieffer
Misty Brast Kieffer
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This part is Bubba to a T “Rottweilers often follow their masters around the house keeping a constant and sometimes obtrusive watch over their loved ones.” Love my boy!
Madeline Rose
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So true
Shawn Patterson
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Cheyenne Wiechmann
Sue Stahl Fredrickson
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Simon Birmingham
Jaz Ceballos
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k**e Molina Sasha Monique Jax when he first came home
Terri Kaszuba
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It’s all true accept the tv. I cannot get her to watch it.
Dawn Hyde Priest
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I can relate to each and everyone of those my Miss Tilly Tot taking over the settee for a quick nap
Almira Vidjen
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Gümüs ❤️❤️
Steph Mclaughlin
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This one is for us Claire Mclaughlin
Tressa LYnn Ariza
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Javier Ariza.
Rose Bernstein
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Josi Parker
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Jonny Dowell
Ashika Pillai
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Sasha Monique
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