12 Realities New Jack Russell Owners Must Learn To Accept

If any dog can top the high energy level of a Fox Terrier, it is a Jack Russell. If any dog can top the hard-as-nails working ability of a Border Terrier, it is a Jack Russell.

And if any dog can top the strong prey drive, bold tenacity, determination, and intensity of a Jack Russell Terrier – well, that could only be another Jack Russell.

This bright, clever, athletic breed is on top of everything that's going on in his environment. Nothing gets by him.

Most Jack Russell Terriers are happy-go-lucky and friendly with strangers, but in the presence of strange dogs, keep them close and under control.

If the other dog minds its own manners, the Jack Russell will usually adhere to a “live and let live” philosophy, but some Jack Russells are so brash and fearless they will take on a Rottweiler if it looks cross-eyed at them.

If you are considering to own a jack russell terrier, or you’ve just become a new jack russell owner, there are some realities you do need to fully accept.

Check out the twelve realities new jack russell terrier owners must accept on the next page! …and if you already are a jack russell owner, see if you can relate!

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