10 Things German Shepherd Owners Must Never Forget

2. German Shepherds can act aggressively out of fear.

Aggression and behavioral problems do not occur in every dog breed. However, if you have a German Shepherd, you might face aggression problems quite a lot.

So, why does a GSD behave like this? Are there any situations that trigger this behavior? Or is there something wrong with your dog?

According to Shepped.com, the common aggressive behaviors in German Shepherds include:

  • If your GSD is barking at you and when you tell it to ‘stop’, it starts to bark louder.
  • If your GSD is biting on the furniture or chewing something it shouldn’t and you tell it to ‘stop’ or give it a ‘no’ command but it starts to growl at you.
  • If your GSD snaps at you when you ask it to stop doing something.
  • If your GSD is trying to harm children or other animals in the home.
  • If your GSD is biting on your hand and feet with force.
  • If your GSD is chasing other pets in your home with a continuous bark.
  • If your dog growls at you when you touch it.
  • And much more.

GSD Aggression problems

Why does a GSD get Aggressive?

According to Shpped.com, here are possible triggers that are causing your German Shepherd to be aggressive:

  • If it doesn’t get enough exercise
  • If it becomes overly possessive
  • If you try to dominate it
  • If it gets bored

beautiful german shepherd face

For the full article on How To Handle Aggressive Behavior in German Shepherds, visit Shepped.com

Source: Shepped.com

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