10 Expensive Dogs Only Rich People Can Afford


The Saluki, also called the Gazelle Hound, Arabian Hound, or Persian Greyhound is native to the area from eastern Turkestan to Turkey.

The Saluki can look rather distinguished, and it should since it has the honor of being one of the oldest breed of dogs in the world.

They can trace their lineage back to as early as 329 B.C. This ancient breed is believed to be closely related to the Afghan Hound, another ancient breed.

The Saluki is known as the royal dog of Egypt, and perhaps one of the oldest domesticated dogs known to man.

They have even been depicted on Egyptian tombs and were so valued that they were often mummified along with their royal or wealthy owners.

…although DNA research on this and no less than a few other ancient breeds have lead to more questions than answers, as to their true origins.

They were bred to be sight hounds, meaning they use their keen eyesight to hunt prey. Their long legs allow them to quickly take down foxes, rabbits, and even gazelles.

Salukis, like other sight hounds, work alone since no human could keep up with them!

The Guinness Book of World Records claims that they are the fastest breed of dog, and can run up to 42.8 miles per hour!

Not only are they fast, but because their feet are heavily padded, they have a lot of stamina as well.

They tend to be fiercely independent, and can be aloof with strangers.

Naturally they need a lot of stimulation to prevent them from becoming bored, especially if you don't want them running off looking for gazelles.

Males can weigh up to 60 pounds and can reach up to 28 inches.

A Saluki pup can cost you a pretty penny – expect him to set you back around $2,500.

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