The desire to have a family is hard-wired in most of us, and dogs are no exception. Parents’ proud, worrisome, and tender feelings aren’t only found in human beings. Our 4-legged friends also experience bright and deep emotions while being moms and dads, and their sincerity is just amazing.
Nature has made sure that these dog moms are proud of their babies. In humans, the maternal bond usually begins to develop during pregnancy, but childbirth is the moment where the bond truly sets in for most animals. We love dogs and we can bet that these proud pawrents will make you have the urge to cuddle up with your loved ones, so scroll down and enjoy!
#1 – That is the look of one proud Mumma! 🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶
#2 – Proud mom Kasi, and her 9 babies 🐶
#3 – Selfie with the babies
#4 – One big proud family
#5 – She just gave birth to 5 awfully cute puppies!
#6 – Just look at the joy in her eyes
#7 – They don’t look too stoked…
#8 – They look so proud of their achievement
#9 -World’s Largest Pitbull Hulk With His Puppies
#10 – Why won’t they play with me?
#11 – Proud Mama Bernese Mountain Dog
#12 – Proud parents smiling for the camera
#13 – Rottweiler Puppies With Their Mommy
#14 – I’ve seen human parents less enthused about their newborns.
#15 – Watching over their newborns
#16 – Proud Parents to 10 good puppers
#17 – Look at her big grin!
#18 – Like father, like sons! Daddy Sheldon and his 8 sons 🙈
#19 – I Was Taking A Photo Of A Litter Of One Week Old Puppies When I Got Photobombed By My Other Dog
#20 – A very big and happy family
#21 – Six Sweet Puppies Sitting With Mother
#22 – Proud Mom
#24 – Proud Mom tp some lovely cookies and cream snowflakes
#25 – I Made These
#26 – I, Big Wrinkle, Made All These Little Wrinkles
#27 – My Golden Retriever And Her 3 Day Old Puppies
#28 – Exhausted momma
#29 – 18 newborn pupperions
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