Fire Breaks Out In Dead Of The Night, Brave Rescue Dog Risks Life To Save Family

A Montgomery County Deputy Constable Bryan DuBose and his family were fast asleep when a fire broke out in their Texas home in the middle of the night.

Xena, the family’s German Shepherd rescue dog, was the first to get a whiff of the smoke, so she dragged her kennel to the wall and started banging in order to alert everyone.

Source: kolyaeg/Pixabay | Bryan Milton DuBose/Facebook

Initially, Bryan thought that Xena was just annoyed, so he went back to sleep.

However, Xena’s persistent barks eventually got to him and he woke up to notice the heavy smoke and gas coming from the other rooms.

He quickly used the fire extinguisher but it didn’t work in putting out the fire. So he woke up his family and crawled out of the flames along with Xena.

When the fire was brought under control by the next morning, the entire house was gone and the family’s belongings were charred.

The locals have set up a fund and chipped in a total of $5000 to help the family get through this tough time.

Source: Bryan Milton DuBose/Facebook

Bryan believes that Xena is the miracle that saved him and his family. Xena was rescued in a very bad shape from a shelter over a year ago. She was emaciated and had parasites eating her insides.

Today, Xena is a healthy and cherished baby, and it seems she has repaid her family for their love and kindness in a big way! What a brave girl!

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