Why A Pug Should Be Your Next Best Friend

There’s a reason we call dogs ‘man’s best friend' (should be ‘human's best friend' in this day and age…).

We can learn so many things from a dog’s behavior, personality, demeanor, resiliency, and most importantly, the willingness to provide their family members with unconditional love, loyalty, and companionship down to their very last breath.

But, why should a pug – from among all other dog breeds – be your next best friend? Well, for one, they may look worried, but they are happy little fellas! But just be warned… they do require a LOT of attention!

Pugs are charming, playful, docile, clever, stubborn, attentive, sociable and fun-loving. The pug's happy-go-lucky attitude makes them a pleasure to hang out with.

Check out the other reasons why a pug should be your next best friend on the next page:

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374 thoughts on “Why A Pug Should Be Your Next Best Friend

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    How do you spell relief
    F A R T and a good one

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