Butcher Chased Clubbed Piglet, He Dragged His Broken Legs & Hid In The Dark

An abandoned piglet, too injured to walk, wailed as loudly as he could.

It was pitch black out but by some miracle, the right people heard his cries and called the rescue organization– Animal Aid Unlimited.

The poor baby was so frightened. Imagine how scary the world must’ve looked to such a tiny creature who was on his own, suffering in pain?

Source: Animal Aid Unlimited/YouTube

The rescuers had to calm him down in order to catch him. They placed a blanket on top of him so he wasn’t so overwhelmed.

Once they grabbed the baby piglet, they carried him to the car and drove him to the rescue center.

They’re not sure what exactly happened but villagers explained that he was likely hunted by ruthless predators in order to be sold for meat.

But the piglet ran and ran until his little legs gave out. Thankfully, the rescuers showed up just in time!

They named the little piglet Tinku.

Source: Animal Aid Unlimited/YouTube

Tinku was immediately evaluated and it was apparent that he had a badly damaged femur. They set it in a brace and put him in a nice cage with plenty to eat. Tinku had to rest that leg!

Source: Animal Aid Unlimited/YouTube

His other limbs were weak as well. Whatever happened to him is unknown specifically but the rescuers knew he needed lots of quiet ‘bed rest’ to get better.

Source: Animal Aid Unlimited/YouTube

A few weeks later, they began to work with the piglet. Tinku needed to walk but this would prove difficult. His legs kept collapsing.

But amazingly, he didn’t want to give up. He would attempt to stand again and again and take a wobbly step at a time.

Source: Animal Aid Unlimited/YouTube

There was certainly a long road ahead of the little guy, but he was willing to take it all on with the help of his new friends!

In what seemed like a blink of an eye, Tinku recovered! Check him out now!

Source: Animal Aid Unlimited/YouTube

Tinku cannot put all his weight on all four legs, but he can move around fairly well. He has a terrific appetite and is the friendliest little piglet they’ve ever met!

Source: Animal Aid Unlimited/YouTube

What many people don’t realize is that pigs are very smart. Tinku understands that his new friends are his biggest allies. He goes to them for playtime and for cuddles. He understands that they saved his life.

If you look closely, you can see that Tinku is smiling!

Source: Animal Aid Unlimited/YouTube

Tinku will soon go to a forever home where he will be loved forever. His rescuers explain that a broken leg for a piglet isn’t just painful, it’s deadly.

Had he remained trapped in the dark, it was only a matter of hours before he would’ve succumbed to his injuries.

Source: Animal Aid Unlimited/YouTube

We are so happy Tinku is safe! Thank you, Animal Aid Unlimited. Watch the video below to experience the piglet’s inspiring story. We just adore a happy ending!

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