Man Rescues Unwanted Dogs From Kill List & Takes Road Trips To Find Them Homes

Ohio-based passionate animal lover Greg Mahle hated seeing countless shelter animals being put down after finding homes.

He gradually saw a pattern no one else noticed – shelter dogs were abundant in the Deep South, while there were many families up north who were looking for dogs but couldn’t find one!

With this realization, Greg set out on a mission to save the unwanted death row dogs!

Source: Heartwarming Animals/Youtube

Greg founded “Rescue Road Trip”, a service dedicated to transporting dogs rescued from kill-lists to their forever families across the country.

He retrieves dogs facing assured-immediate death across several Southern kill shelters, and takes them on humane road trips to find the Northern families who are willing to adopt them.

That’s genius!

Source: Heartwarming Animals/Youtube

In this video, we see an enthusiastic Greg on one of his road trips with the rescued dogs in his huge trailer. The trip wears him down, but he keeps driving through Kentucky, Tennessee, and Mississippi.

He gives timely snack and potty breaks to the dogs and also makes sure the crates are sanitized at regular intervals.

Source: Heartwarming Animals/Youtube

As we see the many anticipating families eagerly embracing their new dogs, we can tell that it’s an emotional experience for everyone involved.

Till date, over 50,000 dogs have escaped the kill list and are thriving in their forever homes thanks to Greg.

Rescue Road Trips makes about 28 road trips per year at an average of 4,200 miles per trip.

Despite being exhausted, Greg believes that this mission helps him become a better person every day. What a gem of a human being! We wish him good luck and safe travels!

Click the video below to watch how Greg saves dogs and spreads smiles across the country through his noble crusade!

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