Mom Saw Her Parakeet Doing Something Bizarre With A Neighbor’s Cat And Had To Share It

If you haven’t had the pleasure of living with a pet bird, you are missing out on an opportunity to form a bond with an intelligent and mischievous little creature!

Take Oscar, a two-year-old Indian Ringneck parakeet, for example. This cute little guy is incredibly smart — and incredibly fun-loving.

He is a chatty bird that loves to talk to his sibling as well as his human parents.

Indian Ringnecks are known to be very talkative birds that can build huge vocabularies. That, plus the fact that they are brightly colored and absolutely darling, make them very popular companion pets.

Oscar lives in New Zealand with his parents and sister Poppy. They spend their days chatting, cuddling…

…and even playing games of “peekaboo” with each other!

Oscar is so good at peekabo, he will start a game with anyone he sees. When a neighborhood cat came strolling by, Oscar saw an opportunity he just couldn’t miss.

Source: Viral Hog / YouTube

Oscar began to bob up and down to get the cat’s attention. Once the curious feline approached the window, the fun-loving bird began his game.

He’d duck down quickly, wait a moment or two, then would pop right back up!

Source: Viral Hog / YouTube

What makes the video so cute is Oscar’s gleeful cry of “Peekaboo!” every time he stuck his head above the windowsill.

Although, it’s a good thing that Oscar and the cat had a window separating them. The playful parakeet was so good at enticing the cat into the game, he might have just pounced if he had the chance!

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