17 Must Watch Movies/TV Shows For All Pug Lovers

17. Dune

the dune

In the 1984 film “Dune”, House Atreides has a pet pug that was not in the book. The dog is present for many key moments, and even leads a charge against Sardaukar legions with Gurney Halleck in tow. After disappearing during the confusion of the fall of House Atreidis the dog reappears at Paul's coronation, having somehow survived the harsh climate of Arrakis.

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193 thoughts on “17 Must Watch Movies/TV Shows For All Pug Lovers

  1. “Men in Black”! Frank! :^) Unfortunately, neither the Emmys nor the Oscars have an animal actors category, but they SHOULD. There USED to be an award for animal actors called the Patsies. :^(

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