Subaru Unveils Subaru Concord Commercial “In The Dog House”

This was one of the funniest dog commercials in Super Bowl history and is called “In the Dog House” (a Subaru Concord commercial).

Has this ever happened to you? When your significant other spent a weeee bit too long looking at someone?

You’ll know what I mean when you watch this on the next page 🙂

Make sure your speakers are turned on so you can hear what happens!

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178 thoughts on “Subaru Unveils Subaru Concord Commercial “In The Dog House”

  1. I watch them all the time I think their the greatest I saw one the other day the hubby picked up the wife from the beauty parlor she had a scarf on she took it off and he looked at her not sure if he liked her hair do I crack up over these commercial their better then the human ones

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