Husky Claims Self-Defense When Mom Accuses Him Of Stealing Her Shoe, Then Goes To Get It

Azlan the Husky is incredibly smart. Like many Huskies, he is also very vocal. When his mom wakes up and notices one shoe is missing, she is pretty sure where it went… Azlan happens to be standing beside the remaining shoe staring at her. “Azlan, I know you stole my shoe,” she says.

Mom’s accusation, only natural to assume, sets Azlan off. Especially when mom says, “Go pick it up and bring it back!”

Azlan pleads his defense, in Husky: “Wahhh-oooo-ruff-ruff-ruff.” He is not happy that his mom assumes the worst.

Like a child, Azlan continues to argue but then, like the good dog he is, he cannot help but do the right thing.

He trots off, still whining a bit.

Azlan comes back into the room, shoe in mouth. His mom certainly knows him well! The whole thing plays out in the cutest way possible. Even if Azlan has been caught in a “lie,” he still does the right thing. What a good boy!

Aren’t dogs the greatest?

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