Baby Horse Gets Trapped Upside Down Between 2 Boulders And Cries Out For Help

A horse was foraging for food on some rocky cliffs when he accidentally slipped and fell toward the sharp rocks.

The poor thing got wedged upside down between 2 huge boulders, and his head fell flat on the pointy stones below.

He tried his best to free himself, but it was physically impossible for him to pick himself up.

Source: ViralHog/Youtube

After hours of trying to get rid of the rocks, the exhausted horse eventually gave up. He began grunting painfully as he waited for his end in the isolated terrain.

Finally, a group of visitors driving an SUV heard the horse’s helpless cries!

Source: ViralHog/Youtube

A man from the SUV followed the sound of the heart-wrenching wails and discovered the.  .  .   Click To Continue Reading >>

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