Fighter Curled-Up & Waited For The End To Come, His Last Whimper Echoed

Dogfighting is still an underground problem in many parts of the world. Where laws aren’t enforced, dogfighting victims roam the streets once their “owners” deem them unworthy.

Hero, an innocent Bulldog, was found curled up on his own, waiting to die.

We understand some images may be upsetting to look at, but we promise that Hero’s tale ends happily!

Source: Blue River/Youtube

When rescuers found him in a ditch, they saw how badly his face was destroyed. No one was sure if he’d make it but they weren’t going to leave him there.

The people who found him reached out to HOPE, Egyptian Baladi Rescue & Rehabilitation. They came quickly and took Hero in.

Once at the vet clinic, staff administered IV fluids, antibiotics, and pain meds. His condition was serious and he needed to get his strength up in order to survive his first surgery.

Source: Blue River/Youtube

His face was so badly damaged that the skin was already necrotic. He would need extensive skin grafts.

In order for Hero to survive, and be able to eat, they had no choice but to remove what they could to prevent pain and further infection.

The downside was that he would not be the most attractive dog.

Source: Blue River/Youtube

While Hero’s images are upsetting, this is a reality that survivors face. After multiple surgeries, Hero’s entire mouth looks exposed.

It’s not easy to look at but he has no idea he’s any different. What he does know is that he is safe and loved.

His pain is minimal as the rescue group makes sure he’s given as much pain medication as he needs.

The vet also notated that his additional wounds to his body were caused by a machete. To use him to fight and then injure him further isn’t just callous and cruel, it’s inhumane.

Sadly, there is not enough law enforcement or resources to find the perpetrators. Their focus is solely on getting Hero better so he can have a real chance at a normal life.

Source: Blue River/Youtube

Hero, after several surgeries, can be seen in the video below, playing like a real dog!

His rescuers and human friends are elated that he’s finally on his way to living a normal, happy life.

We realize that Hero’s story is tragic. The images of his injuries are not easy to look at. But we promise that once he was found, all of his dark days were forever behind him.

Source: Blue River/Youtube

The brave dog continues to heal, both physically and emotionally. He’s learning that the humans that surround him are nothing like the ones who harmed him.

Once he’s medically cleared, he will be ready to go to a forever home. We just pray that potential adopters don’t hold his appearance against him.

This dog is a treasure. He’s a true survivor. And despite everything, he is so beautiful!

The video below shows some upsetting images. We recommend using discretion but we promise that his story ends happily!

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