Horse’s Life Falls Apart When He Turns Blind & They Said He Should Be Put Down

Morgan couldn’t see her beloved horse suffer so much every day. After the medicines failed to work, she decided to get Endo’s eyes removed permanently.

Many horse rearing experts advised Morgan to put the horse down, but she knew a horse as smart as Endo would fight and adjust to being blind.

Source: Endo the Blind/Facebook

However, Endo’s complete blindness rendered the horse’s previous training completely useless. Morgan had to start over with Endo.

She taught him to find his hay and water, and then slowly began training him for various competitive obstacle courses. Once Endo got the hang of his new life, there was no looking back!

Source: Endo the Blind/Facebook

Today, Endo does everything with his sharp sense of smell and training. He has travelled with Morgan to compete in various races in Canada, Las Vegas and Texas.

He leaves the crowd enthralled with his amazing balancing act and precision of skills. Endo is truly an inspiration to us all. Go Endo!

Click the video below to watch glimpses of Endo and Morgan’s fantastic and inspiring journey!

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