Dog Thrown Down 22 Story Garbage Chute, Then Maintenance Worker Rushed To Save His Life

Patrick, a Pit Bull-mix dog, was on the brink of death, when he was found by a maintenance man, moments before he could have been killed in a trash compactor.

His owner had starved him for months, then cruelly shoved him down a 22-story high garbage chute.

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When Patrick was rescued in a dying state, his chances of survival seemed thin. He was grossly underweight and had acute hypothermia.

The staff workers at the Garden State Veterinary Services were horrified to see the abuse he had gone through.

But Patrick’s spirit was made of steel. With enough love and prayers from his care-givers, Patrick slowly showed signs of recovery.

It was considered a miracle that his once skeleton-like, dying body, was growing healthier each day!

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As his fur grew back, his natural playful nature also found a way out. He became the beloved pooch to everyone who rooted for his survival. It took an entire year for him to grow out of the shadow of his abused state.

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We are happy to learn that he found a forever home with Patricia Smillie-Scavelli, the hospital’s administrator. Patrick, with his loving nature, has become the darling of their family.

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Patrick’s miraculous transformation is a shining example of the power of a loving and safe environment! We hope his past abusive owner is found and brought to justice.

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