11 Ways Dogs Tell You They Love You

7. If your dog is cuddly after a meal it’s not just because you fed them, it’s because you are their best friend.

When I knew my shelter dog finally felt at home…

Gregory Berns writes in his book How Dogs Love Us that if your dog wants to cuddle you after eating, it’s a strong sign he loves you.

8. A dog leaning or pressing against you is their version of a hug or a “hello”.

She was yelling, “auntie he's squishing me!” I look back to find him completely content.

A dog will also lean on you sometimes when he’s anxious or afraid because he knows you will keep him safe and protect him.

A stray on Easter Island. She singled me out of the group I was with.

9. If your dog yawns…it could be a sign of submission…or that they feel safe and secure… Depends on the situation.

just another morning

Ever notice how yawning is contagious between people? Well, it can happen between dogs and people too. A study found that when dogs mimic people’s yawns it is because the dog is bonded with that person. This usually happens in a relaxed situation. It should be noted that dogs yawning could also mean they’re anxious or upset, if they are in a stressful situation.

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50 thoughts on “11 Ways Dogs Tell You They Love You

  1. Gracie is a special baby. This is a shot of Heidi looking up at my Mom. The unusual thing about this picture is that she is not in physical contact with my Mom. You rarely see one without the other! When she sits with her in the kitchen Heidi has her head on Mom’s foot. And when Mom takes a shower she has to allow for Heidi to stick her head in! These little heart throbs are so special.

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