Dog Was Kept In A Cage For Too Long – She Could No Longer Walk Or Stand

This poor dog had been in a cage for a long time..

In Poland, a dog named Liszka had been found in a rusted old cage with no room for her to stand or move around.

There was also no food or water left for Liszka, so she was just simply left for dead. Due to the cramped area of the cage, Liszka was forced to constantly hunch her body forward for so long that she could no longer stand or walk.

Thankfully for Liszka, a local animal rescue organization called OTOZ Animals soon heard about her and came to her rescue.

According to the rescue organization, Liszka’s now former owner was a known animal abuser and has already been reported to the local authorities for animal abuse before.

When the rescuers met Liszka, it was obvious to them that she was afraid of humans initially. However, Liszka quickly warmed up to her rescuers when she realized that they meant no harm to her.

After OTOZ Animals rescued her and took her in, Liszka has been given medical treatments by a veterinarian and even received frequent body massages to help loosen her stiff muscles. OTOZ Animals has even uploaded a video of Liszka to their Facebook page, showing Liszka running around happily and playing with the staff.

You can watch a video of Liszka below:

Posted by OTOZ Animals on Monday, October 10, 2016

Although she still has a long road ahead to full recovery, Liszka has already found her forever home and a loving family to take care of her.

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