A dog doing CPR, push-ups, squats and sit ups? What did we just witness?

As the world's largest dog show Crufts never fails to amaze – and one routine on Saturday left the audience stunned.

Italy's Got Talent stars Lusy Imbergerova and her trusty hound Deril produced an incredible army-inspired performance. They marched around the stage and performed push-ups and sit ups.

But they saved the best for last when Lusy pretended to have been knocked out by a grenade and lay still on the floor. The Belgian Shepherd then hit her chest with its paws and touched her lips with its mouth as if giving the kiss of life.

The audience rewarded their skills with a rapturous applause at the National Exhibition Centre in Birmingham. Viewers were outraged when the pair finished second, with some calling the judges ‘blind'.

Check out the video on the next page to watch Lusy & Deril's incredible army-inspired performance!

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69 thoughts on “A dog doing CPR, push-ups, squats and sit ups? What did we just witness?

  1. I saw this at crufts on Saturday … At the end everyone had welled up it was so so powerful … The message is we do not realise what the dog’s in the armed forces do for us …Ok ok so not CPR but saving lives and putting our safety first always …. Standing ovation .. xx

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