Man Throws An Overload Of Commands, But Dog Follows Every Single One Of Them

There’s something absolutely sacred about the bond shared between a dog and his owner.

This entertaining video is a great example of the unwavering loyalty and obedience displayed by a dog – and how that’s solely exclusive to his dad!

Source: PetTube/YouTube

In this video, we see a man proudly telling his friend about the “listening” skills of his dog. However, the friend doesn’t buy any of that and remains skeptical about the dog’s superhuman talents.

That’s when the dog owner grabs a ball and proceeds to demonstrate the extreme intelligence of his brilliant canine buddy!

Source: PetTube/YouTube

The man hurls the ball at a distance and throws an overload of commands at his dog. Be it “Sneak Up”“Take A Step”“Get Close/That’s Too Close”“Back Up”, or “Turn The Other Way”, the dog diligently delivers on every single command mouthed by his dad!

In fact, when the skeptic friend tries to slide in a command, the dog just won’t listen!

Source: PetTube/YouTube

However, it is the climax of this trick that has our hearts racing! The dog is supposed to move the ball when his dad says “3”, but the man intentionally calls out different numbers as false starts.

We won’t spoil it for you, but you must watch it for yourself to find out if this “genius” dog gets lost in confusion or aces through the final test.

Also, keep your volumes up to follow the hilarious banter between the dog owner and his skeptic friend!

Click the video below to watch the top-notch command processing skills of this super-smart dog!

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