This dog’s reaction when dad picks him up from the vet is too much!

It’s common knowledge that dogs don’t like going to the vet, but I’ve never seen such a look of disappointment. This Boxer’s reaction when dad picks him up says it all! 😀

“When you pick your dog up from the vet and he gives you that look you know you’re in trouble.”

“When he’s still mad you took him to the vet.”

58 thoughts on “This dog’s reaction when dad picks him up from the vet is too much!

  1. My Louie had his tooth cut out. He ran into the vet office happily and came out crying a week later we had to drive past where the vet office was and we got “the look” then he turned the other way and tried pushing himself deeper in the seat. We have to go back end of the month for another tooth. Poor Louie

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