10+ “Dangerous Dogs” Behind “Beware Of Dog” Signs

“Staaan, are you home..?”

Rather Large Dog


Well, it might say “cat”…

"dog" Is Conveniently Covered Up.

Clearly there’s not much to worry about if this napping pooch is neglecting its guard duties.

We hope you’ve survived your encounters with these dogs of danger.

Please SHARE this with your friends and family.

[Source: boredpanda.com]

79 thoughts on “10+ “Dangerous Dogs” Behind “Beware Of Dog” Signs

  1. People who mark dogs as terrifieng are un educated. A animal only acts how it is treated. If you were caged you would act the same way.. if a man or woman is beaten he or she will attack!!

  2. I’ve had dogs my entire life. I’ve loved them all. However, once I had my first rottie, that is the only breed that I have adopted repeatedly. They are wonderful, fun, loyal, excellent dogs. Socialize them and train them, absolutely, just like all dogs deserve to be socialized and trained.

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