Cowboy herding cats commercial may just be the best we’ve seen

Usually, we wouldn't recommend watching a commercial, but this one is something special. It has cats. And cowboys. And cowboys valiantly attempting to herd said cats. Need we say more?

This amazing commercial opens in the Wild West, with a cute cowboy explaining that he comes from a long line of cat herders. Then it follows the lives of these cat herders, from being clawed in the face, to coaxing cats through streams, to lint rolling their clothes every night. Sounds like every day for us!

We instantly relate to the phrase “it's as difficult as herding cats,” but where does it come from? According to Wiktionary, it may originate from a Monty Python movie in 1979, where he speculates on how difficult it would be to herd cats waiting to be sheared. Who knew!

Believe it or not, though herding cats might be difficult, you can actually (try) to teach them tricks. According to Pet Finder, it's very similar to the way you train dogs: treats, practice, and clickers. If you want to herd them, though…might want to sign up for some training from the guys in the video first!

There are so many amazing and hilarious moments in this video you just have to see it yourself. Watch it below! And don't forget to share it with your friends and family who would love it as much as we do.


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