Dogs Trapped In Sewer For Weeks See No Way Out, Panic When “Strangers” Approach

Cola and Pepsi are two Poodle siblings who were left to fend for themselves beside a filthy sewer system.

They ended up being trapped in an underground sewer while scavenging for food, and remained trapped there for weeks.

Source: HopeForPaws/Youtube

A family noticed the plight of the Poodles and immediately called for help. When rescuers from “Hope For Paws” arrived at the scene, they were overwhelmed at the daunting task that lay ahead of them.

The rescuers came up with a plan to rescue the traumatized dogs. One of the rescuers sealed the other end of the tunnel to prevent the dogs from escaping, while the other crawled in to check on the siblings.

Source: HopeForPaws/Youtube

The Poodles were terrified when they saw a strange man walk into the sewer. Their claustrophobia made things worse as they felt they had nowhere to escape.

But when Pepsi saw his sister cowering in fear, he bravely shielded her with his body and faced the rescuer boldly.

Source: HopeForPaws/Youtube

The rescuers were very patient with the panicked siblings as they tried to gain their trust. They offered them food and waited for them to feel safe.

This rescue was going to take time, but the rescuers were prepared for it.

Source: HopeForPaws/Youtube

Finally, the Poodles realized that the rescuers were there to save them from this dark moment in their lives.

They soon followed them with renewed hope and saw the daylight for the first time in weeks!

Source: HopeForPaws/Youtube

In this video, we see Cola and Pepsi’s intense and emotional rescue from the dreary sewer, and their miraculous transformation after getting cleaned up at the shelter.

We hope these adorable darlings find their forever homes soon!

Click the video below to watch Cola and Pepsi’s touching rescue journey and their transformation!

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