Deer Drops By Store and Surprises Owner When She Returns With Her Entire Family

The Horsetooth Inn and RV Park in Stout, Colorado, is a great place to purchase essentials, candy, snacks, and more. Although people are their typical customers, a group of deer decided to do some retail therapy.

As a store clerk was going about her day, a sweet doe entered the shop. She looked at the sunglasses, wandered to the potato chips aisle, and then went face to face with a customer.

Source: Facebook/Cecile Juliette

The doe was coaxed outside with some peanuts, but the story doesn’t end there.

Those peanuts must have been mighty tasty, as the doe brought back a group of her friends! The store clerk looked up and there stood several deer. She laughed so hard but not before grabbing her cell phone to snap the most hysterical photos.

Source: Facebook/Cecile Juliette

Although deer are naturally curious, we are pretty sure telling your friends about free handouts is not something deer do too often!

This story has completely tickled our funnybone. Pass the snack tray!

Source: Facebook/Cecile Juliette

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