20 Things All French Bulldog Owners Must Never Forget

Curious, sweet and absolutely hilarious, the French Bulldog has a very comical personality and loves to clown around.

The Frenchie is a pleasant, easy-care companion who is playful, alert and affectionate. It is enthusiastic and lively, without being yappy and loud.

It’s been often said that dogs are the only creatures on earth that love you more than they love themselves. Well, French Bulldogs are no exception!

But sometimes, we take our furry friends and wonderful companions for granted. There are important life lessons that are sometimes easy to forget in our hectic lives, that all Frenchie owners must never forget.

If we want to pay back the favor and give them the best life possible, these 20 important reminders should serve you well as awesome French Bulldog owners. The last one (#20) brought me to tears…

Check out the 20 Things All French Bulldog Owners Must Never Forget on the next page:

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