15 Signs That Indicate You’re A Crazy Dachshund Person… And Are Damn Proud of It!

No doubt about it: the Dachshund is probably the world's most recognizable breed. From toddlers to octogenarians, everyone knows the funny little fellow with the sausage body, stubby legs, and waving tail…

…and the wiener dog has been used to sell everything from Slinky children's toys to foot-long frankfurters. Images of Dachsies abound in cartoons, caricatures, and commercials.

Brave, loyal. determined and loving, the unique Dachshund always makes life interesting and have crazy human fans who love 'em!

Well, how about you? Ever wonder whether your obsession with your Dachshund is healthy or whether you may in fact be veering into crazy territory?

There are fifteen signs that'll indicate the likelihood of you being a crazy Dachshund person… and are damn proud of it!

To see whether you are indeed a person with an obsessive Dachshund disorder (there's no shame here!), move on to the next page!

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534 thoughts on “15 Signs That Indicate You’re A Crazy Dachshund Person… And Are Damn Proud of It!

  1. Paul Nurmberger: My two older children haven’t talked to me for 2 years & 6 months ! Because they don’t have like me I don’t get to see my grandchildren! My youngest son & I live together!! But my dogs are always with me !

  2. We are nuts about each other .mine is a fantastic little man He loves our company and we love his If we are going out we try to make it so he can come too.nothing wrong with that .why would you have any animal if not bestow love and affection on them God only knows you get it back ten fold

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