14 Times Pets Knew Their Owners Needed Comfort
Our pets always seem to know when we need some cheering up. And they know exactly how to do it! They’re the best medicine out there, and you gotta love…
Our pets always seem to know when we need some cheering up. And they know exactly how to do it! They’re the best medicine out there, and you gotta love…
As much as we love our pets, there are times we have to leave them for extended periods. And that’s what the sitter is for. But these owners now regret…
You know all of those talking pet videos? Well, we may have found the best one yet! It’s absolutely perfect for a good laugh this holiday season, so we strongly…
These 24 pets are experiencing snow for the very first time, and their reactions are just priceless! While some of them handled it better than the others, they’re all equally…
These 26 pets stole their owner’s significant other, and the betrayal was captured on camera. I’m sensing some jealousy here! We chose our favorites from a list originally compiled by Bored…
Ticks are a major problem for both pets and humans because of the dangerous diseases they carry and transmit. Even when you take precautions (such as using tick preventative products),…
Being a pet-parent is the best! From snuggles to playtime, pets enrich our lives and can actually improve our health. Have you ever wondered if it may be healthier for…
Many of us have fond memories of growing up with the family cat or dog (or both if your parents happened to be equal opportunity pet lovers 🙂 ). Decade…
Some pets make excellent workout partners. Others, well… not so much 🙂 Watch this hilarious video on the next page as pets (dogs and cats) sees their owners yoga time…