Dog Reunited with Family Gets So Happy After She Recognizes Their Scent

Maggie was missing for almost two years, after being lost on the streets. Her family never thought they’d find her. But when they were about to lose any glimmer of hope, their beloved dog was found.

Recently, a footage showing Maggie’s excitement when seeing her family again has made waves on the internet. The video shows how scared the little dog was when she was brought on to a shelter. In fact, she was so frightened she wasn’t even able to recognize her owner.

After missing for 19 months, someone found Maggie on the street and bought her to Saginaw County Animal Care & Control, a shelter who helped many other dogs to reunite with their fur parents in the past. Thankfully, the shelter’s staff was able to scan her microchip and found out who her family was.

Initially, the dog didn’t recognize her owner or her daughters. Maybe she was too scared or maybe she also lost her hope.

But after few moments, she smell them and in the following moments she couldn’t control her enthusiasm! She reunited with the people who raised her and gave her their pure love.

The moment was so touching as the owners and the staff couldn’t hide their tears.

Click the video below to watch this heart melting reunion, after 19 months!

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