His Body Was Riddled With Cancer, So His Family Abandoned Him In A Parking Lot

Theo, who is around 12 years old, has an aggressive form of cancer that cannot be cured, and his previous owners didn’t want to deal with it.

So instead of getting him help, they abandoned him in a Walmart parking lot near Joliet, Illinois.

Thankfully, someone found him and rescued him, and although he only has weeks or less to live, he will get the bucket list that he deserves.

Source: CBS Chicago/Youtube

His new adoptive parents in Crystal Lake, Jenny and Scott, are doing everything they can to make the best of whatever time Theo has left.

So far he has swam in a pool, enjoyed a hamburger at the drive-thru, as well as a delicious ice cream cone.

Source: CBS Chicago/Youtube

He still has so much left he wants to do, including go for a boat ride, visit a fire station, and go on a play date.

If you could help Theo fulfill his bucket list, please email his parents at jgibfeb67@aol.com.

Learn more about sweet Theo in the video below.

H/T to CBS Chicago.

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